Iroquois Athletics - See latest info on IHS Athletics webpage,
LAST DAY FOR YEARBOOKS - Yearbook distribution today from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the high school in the Community Lobby. Please contact Mrs. Peebles with any questions.
YEARBOOKS - Yearbook distribution today and Tuesday from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. from Community Lobby doors
Parents, students who ordered, or siblings are able to pick up for a family member. Please contact Mrs. Peebles with any questions.
A Meal Distribution Update has been posted on the District websites and can be found at this link:
Yearbook distribution is Mon-Tues, June 29-30 from 10 am - 1 pm from the Community Lobby doors. Only parents or student who ordered can pick up. Balance due pre-orders must be paid in full to pick up. Extra copies are available for purchase for $82. Contact Mrs. Peebles with any questions.
The Yearbooks have arrived!!!
Stay tuned for more information about distribution and sign ups for a pick up time tentatively scheduled for early next week.
We do have additional copies for sale if you did not pre-order.
REMINDER - Your input is important to us! Please participate in the Thoughtexchange regarding our school reopening plans for next year. Deadline to participate is June 9th at Midnight.
GRADUATION 2020 - June 5, 2020 at 7:00pm
REMOTE LEARNING ROCKSTARS - I.H.S. teachers nominated more than 80 students who have worked really hard during the COVID-19 closure. Two representatives from each grade level were chosen for this award. 7TH - Fatima K & Paige S: 8TH - Madison C & Kelly H: 9TH - Emma C-W & Alex D: 10th Yu Jie J & Daniell M: 11th Rory B & Madison M: 12th Amanda W & Sierra P. We applaud ALL of our students for their hard work. We are proud of you, Braves!
REMINDER - Your input is important to us! Please participate in the Thoughtexchange regarding our school reopening plans for next year. Deadline to participate is June 9th at Midnight.
GO ERIE'S - 2020 IROQUOIS HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT, COVID-19 EDITION. A special thanks to Chris at for posting candid pictures supplied by our parents and seniors.
I.H.S. BACCALAUREATE VIDEO – our video will be available tonight, June 4th at 7:00pm. Please take a moment to celebrate with our outstanding Senior Class.
SENIORS - Do not forget to sign up for a slot on Tuesday, June 9th to get your diploma. At this time you can also return your computers, textbooks, and other school items.
SENIORS - Here is the sign up for picking up your items on Tuesday. We will set up a table on the Iroquois Ave entrance where you had you senior photo taken. You can simple pull up, get out of your car, and grab your items. Please wear a mask as you come up to the building.
Parents - we need your input on the reopening of District schools to assist us in our reopening plan for the fall. To gather your feedback, we're using a tool called Thoughtexchange. All of our voices matter, so your participation is crucial and valued.
Go to this URL to participate:
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
You can still order your 2020 yearbook! Go to to order and save before they arrive later this month. Reserve your copy today!
Digital yearbook signing is here!
Seniors will be receiving a complimentary photo from graduation with their diploma and other school documents. Along with the photo, an order form will be provided to purchase additional copies.
Important dates: Baccalaureate ceremony will be released via a YouTube link on June 4th at 7pm. The graduation ceremony will be released via a YouTube link on June 5th at 7pm. If you have not yet seen the Military Signing Day video, it can be viewed now at
Erie Front Porch Fest - June 6, 2:00 PM. Replacing Food Truck Festival event for 2020. More info under News on all Iroquois website.