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Jeff McShane
Maintenance Specialist
Maintenance Dept.
Ext. 1309
Christopher Minnaugh
Sr. High Math Teacher
Math Dept.
Ext. 1105
Maria Modzelewski
Director of Special Education
Ext. 4010
Samantha Monin
Autistic Support Teacher
Special Education Dept.
Andrea Myers
8th Grade Reading Teacher
English/Language Arts Dept.
Ext. 1151
Steven Nawrocki
K-12 Choral and Instrumental Music Teacher
Art/Music Dept.
814-899-7643 ext 1318
Kelly Orlando
Food Service Director/The Nutrition Group
Food Service Dept.
Ext. 1306
Sandy Nuhfer
8th Grade English Teacher
English/Language Arts Dept.
Ext. 1256
Jeffrey Patrick
CADD Teacher
Practical Arts Dept.
Ext. 1218/1226
Jesse Patterson
Sr. High ELA Teacher
Ext. 1157
Jennifer Pinzok
High School Emotional Support Teacher
Ext. 1212/1213
Sandy Prather
Coordinator of Drug Free Communities
Ext. 1216
Michelle Reichard
Special Education Paraprofessional
JoAnne Righi
Life Skills Teacher
Special Education Dept.
Ext. 1107
Jillian Sarvey
Senior High Biology/Gen. Science Teacher
Science Dept.
Ext. 1209
Char Schneider
Custodial Dept.
Emily Shambaugh
Jr. High ELA Teacher
English/Language Arts Dept.
Ext. 1556
Sarah Skelton
Gifted Teacher
Special Education Dept.
Ext. 1553
Thomas Sovisky
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies Dept.
Ext. 1152
Keri Stahon
Senior High Learning Support Teacher
Special Education Dept.
Ext. 1262