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Charles Ferruggia
Senior High Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies Dept.
Ext. 1153
Joshua Frischolz
Senior High Science Teacher
Science Dept.
Ext. 1108
Katherine Frischolz
Spanish Long-Term Sub
English/Language Arts Dept.
Ext. 1158
Christopher Gilbert
High School Assistant Principal
ext. 1000
Shannon Glennon
7th Grade Science Teacher
Science Dept.
Ext. 1201
Lisa Glover
Instructional Aide/Emotional Support
Special Education Dept.
Ext. 1213
Adam Hadbavny
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies Dept.
Ext. 1252
Braden Hanlon
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education Dept.
Ext. 1202/1408
Andrea Hart
Sr. High Math Teacher
Math Dept.
Ext. 1101
Carrie Hayes
Special Education Paraprofessional
Seth Hembree
School Psychologist
Special Education Dept.
Ext. 1557
Lori Hickernell
High School Guidance Counselor
Guidance Dept.
Ext. 1537
Christine Hickey
Health/Phys. Ed. Teacher, Dept. Chair
Physical Education Dept.
Ext. 1164
Leah Johnson
School Nurse
Student Health
Ext. 1534
Jamie Jones
Senior High Math Teacher
Math Dept.
Ext. 1103
Jessica Kidd
Family Consumer Science Teacher
Ext. 1215
Michael Kujawinski
Health/Physical Ed. Teacher
Physical Education Dept.
Ext. 1402
Jenise LaRocca
Pupil Services Secretary
Office Staff
Ext. 1000
Jacquelyn Lazeski
Life Skills Paraprofessional
Special Education Dept.
Tessa Mackey
School Psychologist
Special Education Dept.