Dear Iroquois School District Community,

As previously communicated, the Iroquois School District believes that face-to-face instruction is better academically for our students. We also believe that students and adults are safe in school, as long as proper mitigation efforts are followed. More and more research supports this decision, and we will continue to offer in-person instruction as long as we can continue to do it safely.

As you are aware, Iroquois Elementary School continued virtual instruction today due to a shortage of available substitutes to safely cover the building.  At this time, Iroquois Elementary School will not be able to re-open for face-to-face instruction until Monday, January 4, 2021, due to a limited number of personnel available to staff in-person instructional needs.  For the remainder of this week, December 15-18, 2020 and next week, December 21-23, 2020, students are expected to continue remote instruction by following the schedule provided by IES. As we continue to navigate the changes presented to us regarding in-person instruction, we will communicate our instructional plans to you as soon as possible.  

For questions regarding instructional expectations/needs at IES, please call (814) 899-7643 x2000. For questions regarding technology help, please call (814) 897-2416. For questions regarding COVID-19, please call (814) 899-7643 x6109. 

Thank you for your continued support.   



Jennifer Foutz


Iroquois Elementary School

4231 Morse Street

Erie, Pennsylvania, 16511

814.899.7643 x2003
